Flashlight “Streamlight Sidewinder Compact II”
The “Streamlight Sidewinder Compact II” is a compact, universally applicable flashlight for tactical use.
– Batteries: 1x 3V CR123A, 1x AA-Lithiumbatterie oder 1x AA-Alkalibatterie
– The stroboscope is activated with a douple push on the press key (all LED-colors have a stroboscope function)
– Keepable clip for attachment to the helmet, headband or MOLLE-vest.
– Hole for fastening rope in the clip with a loading capacity of 11.34 kg.
– Casing is bendable by 185º. On the helmet mount it is 360° rotatable
– Will hold falls from 3m height (tested by manufacturer)
– IPX7/30 Minutes water tight up to 3m
– C4-LED with a lifetime of 50.000 h
– Blue LED 5 mm, max. power at 470 nm wavelenght, livetime 100.000 Stunden
– Infrared-LED 5 mm, max. Power at 880 nm Wavelenght, livetime 100.000 h
– Red LED 5 mm, max. power at 630 nm wave lenght, life span 100.000 hours
– Dimensions: 76 x 52 x 28 mm
– Weight: ca. 160 g
The lamp comes with a headband and a mount for the helmet. When used as a head lamp, the lamp is on the forehead and is not low profile. When moving faster, you will notice the leverage and weight of the headlamp.
The lamp is mounted with the clipper to the mount on the headband. Here you see the text for the IR safe mode. This is to avoid unwanted using and emptying the battery in IR mode.
The lamp can be removed from the headband easily. For example to mount it on a helmet .
To mount it on a helmet you can use the included mount. It is mounted without any holes. Just tighten the screws. You can add some rubber, if the helmet rim is to thin. As additional equipment, an adapter for ARC Rails is sold.
So the lamp is mounted on the side of the helmet and can be rotated in allmost any direction.
The lamp works with a single CR123A or AA battery.
From the front you see the different LED lights and a short description to the function of the power switch.
The switch and the four position turning power switch can be operated with tactical gloves. To turn it, you have to pull it out, and then turn it. There is text on it. After three years of intense use in all weathers, the switch broke. More to this can be found in the conclusion.
Here you see the different colors (White, red, blue and infrared). All colors can be used at four power levels as well as in a strobe mode.
To the power and battery time in the selected mode, here the data form from the manufacturer.
I used this lamp for over 3 years now. With and without night vision and in all German weather and temperature situations. The lamp is compact, trusty and easy to use. I am super happy with this heas lamp and can recommend it.
Thx to the robust and simple design without any thin switches or cables, the lamp will have a long life span. I have it for years in my leg pocket, when I do tactical things. In all weathers. The lamp was wet, was dropped several times and was also in use in unser -20°C environment. After 3 years of intenseuse the power button suddenly broke (I allways bring a backup headlamp since). But for me this is totally okay, for such an intense use. Streamlight luckily offered good service so I can use this headlamp even longer.
The brightness of the lamp is good for movement on foot. The IR lamp works also fine in close distance.
Thx to the side mount of the lamp, you can use night visions uninterupted. Keep in mind not to mount the mount to much to the back of the helmet! Otherwise the light will also shine on the helmet. You can also mount the mount on the front of the helmet.
With nightvision
The IR light works well as a headlamp when a NVG is used. The IR strobe mode used as an “IR Beacon” is really bright and blinds on close distances. But I guess it will work well for helicopters and planes and will be hard not to see it.